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10 Uplifting Miscarriage Poems and Songs

Grief surrounding miscarriage is rarely recognised by family and friends, yet it is just as painful and difficult for the sufferer as many other losses.  It may be that the longed for child gave hope and dreams for a future family life.  Plans that are now on hold. 

Even if the pregnancy was unplanned or unwanted, there is still a terrible sense of guilt and loss. 

We hope these miscarriage poems and songs that we have chosen will be of comfort to those who have lost a longed for child.  They will also be suitable for sending as a message as a condolence for a friend or relative who has had a miscarriage.

1. P'u - Hua Fei Hua

A flower and not a flower; of mist and yet not of mist;
At midnight she was there; she went as daylight shone.
She came and for a little while was like a dream of spring,
And then, as morning clouds that vanish traceless, she was gone.

Po Chu - I (Chinese poet who lived from 772-846 A.D)

Po Chu I Poem about miscarriage or loss of a child.  A Flower and not a Flower.

2. My Child Did Exist - Author Unknown

I've lost a child, I hear myself say,
And the person I'm talking to just turns away.
Now why did I tell them, I don't understand.
It wasn't for sympathy or to get a helping hand.

I just want them to know I've lost something dear.
I want them to know that my child was here.
My child left something behind which no one can see.
My child made just one person into a family.

So, if I've upset you, I'm sorry as can be.
You'll have to forgive me, I could not resist.
I just want you to know that my child did exist.

3.  Look for Me in Rainbows by Vicki Brown

Time for me to go now, I won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, way up in the sky.
In the morning sunrise when all the world is new,
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you.

Time for me to leave you, I won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, high up in the sky.
In the evening sunset, when all the world is through,
Just look for me and love me, and I'll be close to you.

It won't be forever, the day will come and then
My loving arms will hold you, when we meet again.

Time for us to part now, we won't say goodbye;
Look for me in rainbows, shining in the sky.
Every waking moment, and all your whole life through
Just look for me and love me, as you know I loved you.

Just wish me to be near you,
And I'll be there with you.

Music and lyrics: Conn Bernard

4.  Fingerprints by Tom Krause

Your fingerprints are on my heart.
Fingerprints that teach me about caring.
Fingerprints that teach me about love.
Fingerprints that teach me about courage.
Fingerprints that teach me about hope.
Fingerprints that bring me closer to my loved ones.
Fingerprints that bring me closer to myself.
In the time I cared for you my whole life changed --
never to be the same again
All this from tiny fingerprints that touch my heart.
You will live in my heart forever - never to be forgotten.
I will always love you.
You are my child.

5. My Dear Emmanuella by Ruth Pirie

There will never be a day that goes by, where I do not think of you.
I will always think about what you would have looked like
I will always wonder how it would have felt to hold you in my arms
I will always miss not having the chance to comfort you, soothe you and nurse you
I will always wonder what it would have been like to have you here with us.

My beautiful child,
I know your passing will teach me to be stronger
I know your passing will teach me to be more anchored in my faith
I know your passing will teach me to be more grateful for all that I have been blessed with.

For you my baby,
I will try and hold my head high and be strong, because I was privileged enough to nurture you for those few precious weeks
I will always feel honored to have had experienced the miracle of carrying you in my womb.
I will never forget you
I love you
And I pray that I will be able to hold you, my beautiful Emmanuella, when it comes my time to leave this world.

Read how Ruth used yoga to help her cope with the emotional pain of a miscarriage

6. Fly - Celine Dion

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again
Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this memory bittersweet
Until we meet
Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget
Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light

7. Little Snowdrop - Author Unknown

Miscarriage Poem - Little Snowdrop - with background of snowdrop flowers

The world may never notice

If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,

Or even pause to wonder

If the petals fall too soon.

But every life that ever forms,

Or ever comes to be,

Touches the world in some small way

For all eternity.

The little one we longed for

Was swiftly here and gone.

But the love that was then planted

Is a light that still shines on.

And though our arms are empty,

Our hearts know what to do.

Every beating of our hearts

Says that we love you.

8. These are my footprints - Tamara Barker

These are my footprints, so perfect and so small.
These tiny footprints, never touched the ground at all.
Not one tiny footprint, for now I have my wings.
These tiny footprints were meant for other things.
You will hear my tiny footprints, in the patter of the rain.
Gentle drops like angels tears, of joy and not from pain.
You will see my tiny footprints, in each butterflies' lazy dance.
I'll let you know I'm with you, if you give me just a chance.
You will see my tiny footprints, in the rustle of the leaves.
I will whisper names into the wind, and call each one that grieves.
Most of all, these tiny footprints, are found in mummy's heart,
'cause even though I'm gone now, we'll never truly part."

9. To a Baby Who Was Never Born by Amy Douglas

A life inside me, a love so strong.
She died inside me, but the love lives on.
It broke my heart for her to go.
I love her, I need her like she’ll never know.
I never held her, or heard her cry,
And I wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
I never dressed her in tiny clothes,
Or saw her smile as I tickled her toes.
I cry for her in the night.
It hurts so much, and no one can make it right.

10.  Heaven Needed You More - Song by Mikalene Ipson

No words can describe the heartache, no words of comfort anyone can say.

I've never felt a pain like this before a piece of my heart died with you.

Chorus:  But I guess Heaven needed you more, but I can't understand exactly what for, is this a trial of my faith? A lesson to be learned?  Why did my baby come to earth then so quickly return?  I gotta get up off the floor and trust that Heaven needed you more.

I came home to an empty nursery, your cries and laughter won't fill this room, this was not the way I planned it. Oh Lord I'm needing comfort from you. (Repeat chorus)

My arms are empty but you'll remain in my heart, and just remember Mommy loves you and we're not really far apart.

Yes Heaven needed you more, and I'm starting to understand exactly what for, it's been a trial of my faith, so many lessons have been learned.

Yes my baby came to earth and then so quickly returned, but I'm up off the floor.

I know that Heaven needed you more.

Related Pages:

Coping with a Miscarriage

Miscarriage and the Healing Power of Yoga

Miscarriage Memorial Jewelry

Where to get help: 

Have You Considered One-on-One Online Grief Counseling? 

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Do you feel alone and sad with no support and no idea how to move forward?  It can be tough when you are stuck in grief to find the motivation to get the most out of your precious life. 

Online counseling can help by giving you that support so you don't feel so alone. You can have someone to talk to anytime you like, a kind and understanding person who will help you to find meaning in life again, to treasure the memories of your loved one without being overwhelmed and to enjoy your activities, family and friends again.

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Hypnosis for Grief - 10 Ways It Can Help You

Try a gentle hypnotherapy track to relax the mind. Learn how self-hypnosis can help you cope with grief at any time of the day or night.  

Read more about it here.