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Writing a Eulogy for Your Husband?  Here’s How to Go About It

If you have to write a eulogy for your husband, it’s probably one of the hardest and most emotional things you’ll ever do. Where do you start?  What are you going to say?  Here we’ll point you in the right direction and help you with this sad, but also loving task.

In marriage, we submit ourselves to an unexplainable bond. We make a promise to spend the rest of our lives with a man who will be our comfort, our shoulder to cry on and our partner in success.

It takes courage and grace to make the adjustment from spending our life with someone, to committing to forever cherishing our memories and moments spent with them. 

A husband is a source of strength quote

Writing a eulogy for your husband is a first step and an important one in treasuring those memories and sharing them with those we love. 

First of all, we’ll give you an example of a eulogy written by one of our readers for her husband, which will give you some ideas. At the bottom, there will be links to other eulogy examples for men (such as the ones my brother and I wrote for our father) which will also help. There are also links to funeral speech writing guidelines and a free eulogy template to follow. We wish you our sincerest condolences.

Eulogy Example for a Husband 

Eulogy for My Husband Kevin by Lauren

Rest in peace my beautiful angel quote

When I married Kevin twenty two years ago, I said the words: "till death do us part". Each word I said on that day I meant from the bottom of my heart and soul.

Everyone thinks that their husband is the best, but Kevin truly was the very best husband I could ever have dreamed of having. Everyone who knew Kevin knows that he was a "gentle giant". Not only did he need to duck to walk in a room but he would accidentally break light bulbs and light fixtures on more occasions than I care to mention.

He had the kindest soul and the biggest heart out of anybody I have ever met. When people used to ask me why I married him I would always say: “behind closed doors, he treats me like a queen”. This is true he honestly treated me like gold when there was nobody else around.

He was never trying to impress anybody and he was always himself. He always allowed me to be myself and he did an excellent job of tolerating my terrible moods. When I was particularly stressed out from work I would sometimes take it out on him, and then I would feel exceptionally guilty about it. He always understood and never judged me, I could not have asked for a better partner in life.

I distinctly remember when I met him; he was like nobody I had ever met before. We met at a party many years ago and we just couldn't stop chatting. We chatted for hours and hours about everything under the sun.

We were just kids back then, naive about the world. We were both filled with big aspirations and plans. I remember him telling me his big plans to travel the world and his dreams of going into real estate.

From the day that we met, we have been inseparable, the rest is really history.

When we first moved in together, on a material level we had absolutely nothing, but on a love level, we had everything that anybody could ever wish for. Looking back, I have no idea why I felt so “poor” as we were rich beyond measure, we just never knew it.

Kevin and I went through different financial stages in our lives and we never needed anything material to make us happy. On many occasions, we would take a walk on the beach or just sit on a park bench and make our own picnic. I loved Kevin’s company and that was something that never ever changed. I just truly loved being around him.


I remember the day that Kevin came home late from work; I had been worrying myself sick. He came home with a pair of ripped pants and it was really dark by the time he sat down to dinner. It turned out that he saw a dog on the train tracks and he went to go save him. His pants got torn on the barbed wire. He phoned the local animal inspector in our area and sat with the dog waiting for him to get there. That was not the only dog that Kevin saved, over the years he saved many dogs.

The person he really saved was me; he always made me laugh whenever I was sad. He just knew the right thing to say and he was always silly. We joked like children right up until the end. He never lost his amazing sense of humor. Some people may find it childish two grown-ups rolling around on the floor laughing but to us it was normal. We would be in stitches from laughing and we always wondered why other couples always seemed so "serious about everything".

I am going to miss Kevin more than words could possibly describe. I don't know how I am going to carry on without him, but I know he would have wanted me to try and be happy. Not only am I going to miss all of his good qualities but I am also going to miss all of his imperfections and flaws.

I am going to miss the way he always spilled coffee everywhere. I am going to miss the messes that he made. Kevin was a very special man. He had the unique ability to leave crumbs everywhere after making a sandwich especially after I had just cleaned. I used to joke around with him and tell him that this was his “superpower”. He would always grin at me with a big smile on his face after he had made a sandwich as he knew I was about to start moaning.

In all seriousness, I am shocked that Kevin is not here. I would do anything right now to have one more moment with him. I can't wait for him to appear in my dreams as I would do anything to spend time with him.

Rest in peace my beautiful angel, Kev, your pain is now gone. My heart will be yours always and forever.

Related Pages: 

Funeral Poems

Funeral Flowers for Men

Funeral Speech Writing Guidelines

For Remembrance: 

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