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Christmas Memorial Poems for Comfort and Solace

We hope you find our Christmas memorial poems a comfort at this difficult time of year.  Christmas can be a stressful time and even more so when you have lost a loved one. These will also be good for sending as a message to a friend or loved one at Christmas, if they have lost someone, to acknowledge that they will be grieving and show them that you care. 

One of the poems, the last one on the page we have had specially commissioned for our website. 

Please note that this post contains links to products for which we may receive a small commission.  This enables us to keep bringing you content and articles which support those coping with grief. 

1. Christmas Memories by Sandy Siewers.

When snowflakes dance on winter winds 
And colored lights shine Christmas cheer,
When children's laughter fills the air 
And family gathers from far and near, 
I try to celebrate with them 
And not let my hurting show, 
But the empty spaces within my heart, 
At this season, seems to grow 
'Till oftentimes it fills the days 
And many night times too, 

With aching thoughts and memories 
Of Christmases I spent with you. 
Yes, memories do hurt, it's true 
But I have this feeling too.

I'm so glad I hold these memories, 
For with them I hold part of you. 
So for now I'll wipe away the tears 
And join with loved ones dear 
To celebrate this Christmas time, 
For I know that, in my heart, you're here.

2. Christmas Without You - Author Unknown. 

Christmas Without You Poem

Although it’s sad to reminisce
On Christmases we knew
This year I shall celebrate
In memory of you
I will put aside my sorrow
With every unshed tear
And concentrate on all the love
We shared when you were here
Our time together taught me
What Christmas time is for
And that’s what I’ll remember
Until we meet once more

Personalised Christmas Gifts for the Grieving

Stuck for what to get for Christmas for someone who has lost a loved one?  Choose from a large selection of memorial jewelry suitable for everyone.  Click here to see our recommendations. 

Silver engraved memorial necklace

3. Memories - Author Unknown

Memories are a special house
We build inside ourselves
Where love and laughter linger,
Where all our past life dwells.
On holidays like Christmas
We can draw upon the store,
Reliving happy times
And feeling all that warmth once more.
Wherever we may travel,
This house is always there
To help to blend the old and new,
To build on . . . grow . . . and share.
This house can never get too full,
Just grow from floor to floor,
Because the joy of memories
Is always making more.

4. Christmas Without You by Steve Goldstein and Dolly Parton

Christmas without you
White Christmas and I'm blue
Like fireworks with no fuse
Christmas without you
The fireplace keeps burning and my thoughts keep turning
The pages of memories of time spent with you
Old Christmas songs we knew and used to make love to
Make it hard to get used to
Christmas without you
Christmas without you
White Christmas and I'm blue
I love you I miss you
So sad but so true
Christmas without you
Like a mystery with no clues
Like fireworks with no fuse
Christmas without you

The sweetest gift I know would be if the new snow
Could fall on your footsteps on this Christmas Eve
The most joyous Christmas if luck could be with us
Would be if Saint Nicholas brought you home to me

Christmas without you
White Christmas and I'm blue
I love you I miss you I need you
So sad but so true
Christmas without you, like a mystery with no clues
Like fireworks with no fuse
Christmas without you

5. Christmas In Heaven - Author Unknown

We’re wondering what Christmas in Heaven is like  
As we grieve alone and pray,  
longing for one who has gone before  
To spend Christmas in Heaven today. 
And so in our dreams we wander far  
From the scenes and sounds of earth  
‘Til we catch the strains of the Heavenly choir  
As they sing of the Christ Child’s birth. 
The Angels we envision there  
As they join in the restal gay 
And there amid the throng is our Loved One 
Spending Christmas in Heaven today. 

There’s joy in the faith that teaches  
When our life’s work is done 
Of a place in Heaven awaiting  
And the crown we worked for is won. 
In our grief may we learn well the lesson  
So to work and suffer and pray 
As to merit the joys of our loved one  
And to spend Christmas together some day.

Best Sympathy Gifts for Christmas

Christmas can be hard for those who are grieving and for their loved ones.  What on earth do you buy for people?  Have a look at our selection of the best sympathy gifts which would be suitable at Christmas too.  Click here to see our selections. 

Sympathy or Christmas Gift Basket

6. Thinking of You at Christmas - Author Unknown

I would give the world if I could say
Merry Christmas to my (name) today,
To hear your voice, to see you smile,
Would be my dearest wish this Christmas time.

Thinking of you this Christmas
and how things just aren't the same.
There's this dull and nagging heartache
When someone speaks your name.
Sadly, we can't buy gifts for you
Just silent tears that fall
For this time of year without you
Is the hardest time of all.

7. Letter to Santa - Author Unknown 

Snowflakes softly falling  
upon your window they play  
Your blankets snug around you,  
into sleep you drift away.
I bend to gently kiss you,  
when I see that on the floor 
There's a letter, neatly written  
I wonder who its for.
I quietly unfold it making  
sure you're still asleep, 
It's a Christmas list for Santa  
one my heart will always keep.

It started just as always 
with the toys seen on TV,  
A new watch for your father  
and a winter coat for me.
But as my eyes read on  
I could see deep inside 
There were many things you wished for 
that your loving heart would hide.
You asked if your friend Molly 
could have another Dad; 
It seems her father hits her 
and it makes you very sad.
Then you asked dear Santa 
if the neighbors down the street  
Could find a job, that they might have some food, 
and clothes, and heat.

You saw a family on the news  
whose house had blown away, 
"Dear Santa, send then just one thing, 
a place where they can stay."
"And Santa, those four cookies  
that I left you for a treat.  

Could you take them to the children  
who have nothing else to eat."
"Do you know that little bear  
I have, the one I love so dear?  

I'm leaving it for you to take  
to Africa this year."
And as you fly your reindeer  
on this night of Jesus' birth,  
Could your magic bring to everyone 
Goodwill and Peace on Earth."

"There's one last thing before you go,  
so grateful I would be, 
If you'd smile at Baby Jesus  
in the manger by our tree."
I pulled the letter close to me'  
I felt it melt my heart.  

Those tiny hands had written 
what no other could impart.
"And a little child shall lead them," 
was whispered in my ear  
As I watched you sleep on Christmas Eve 
while Santa Claus was here.

8. Of Christmas Past by Barbara Yerbury Filan

A poem for missing a child at Christmas

I've done quite well, I must confess,
To ward off Christmas loneliness.
I've mailed surprises many miles
To start those special-morning smiles.
I've packed some food and clothes and toys
For less-than-lucky girls and boys.

I've sprinkled goodies on the snow
To feed small creatures we both know.
A service held by candlelight
Renewed my heart this winter night.
I've helped to decorate our tree;
The house glows warm for you and me.

With you beside me lost in sleep,
My life is full, my love runs deep.
Yet memory stirs a dream long gone;
I listen this December dawn
For childish whispers on the stair,
For tiny steps no longer there.

9. Missing You At Christmas - Author Unknown

Every day without you
Since you had to go,
Is like summer without sunshine
And Christmas without snow.
I wish that I could talk to you
There’s so much I would say,

Life has changed so very much
Since you went away.
I miss the bond between us
And I miss your kind support.
You’re in my mind and in my heart
And every Christmas thought.

I’ll always feel you close to me
And though you’re far from sight.
I’ll search for you among the stars
That shine on Christmas night.

10. Missing at Christmas - J. Allen Shaw

It is never easy when a loved one is gone,
The thought that you’ll no longer see them around.
During this special season you’ll be missing someone,
While everyone else is having so much fun.  

Christmas is thought of as the time for sharing joy,
Family and friends together, every girl and boy.
But, when someone passes so near to Christmas,
We search for answers that quite frankly elude us.

Christmas is always a change of pace,
Snow falls, beautiful lights, smiles on each face.
Seeing people, walking by so fast,
Capturing memories of Christmases past.

Now that special smile is missing,
No more “Under-the-mistletoe-kissing.”
You are bombarded by all the crazy “What-ifs.”
The “If-only,” and of course, the “I wish I’d done this.”

This Christmas there won’t be so much baking,
This Christmas your heart is breaking.
Trying to picture this season with this loved one gone,
Trying to find the strength to carry on.

How to experience joy, when you are feeling pain.
This year can’t possibly be the same.
Think of others who have gone on before,
Whose lives help prepare us for what is in store.

Gathering with many that you seldom see,
Please, don’t waste this opportunity.
Go ahead and remember, grieve, mourn or cry,
You’re surrounded by others that will help you get by.

Related Pages: 

21 Tips for Surviving Christmas

Poems for Memorial Services

Sympathy Cards

Where to get help: 

Have You Considered One-on-One Online Grief Counseling? 

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The following information about online counseling is sponsored by 'Betterhelp' but all the opinions are our own. To be upfront, we do receive a commission when you sign up with 'Betterhelp', but we have total faith in their expertise and would never recommend something we didn't completely approve.  

Do you feel alone and sad with no support and no idea how to move forward?  It can be tough when you are stuck in grief to find the motivation to get the most out of your precious life. 

Online counseling can help by giving you that support so you don't feel so alone. You can have someone to talk to anytime you like, a kind and understanding person who will help you to find meaning in life again, to treasure the memories of your loved one without being overwhelmed and to enjoy your activities, family and friends again.

  • Simply fill out the online questionnaire and you will be assigned the expert grief counselor most suitable for you.  It only takes a few minutes and you don't even have to use your name.  
  • Pay an affordable FLAT FEE FOR UNLIMITED SESSIONS.  
  • Contact your counselor whenever you like by chat, messaging, video or phone. 
  • You can change counselor at any time if you wish.
  • Click here to find out more and get started immediately.
  • Or read more about how online counseling works here.  
Woman Crying. Get Started with Online Counselling

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Hypnosis for Grief - 10 Ways It Can Help You

Try a gentle hypnotherapy track to relax the mind. Learn how self-hypnosis can help you cope with grief at any time of the day or night.  

Read more about it here. 

For Remembrance: 

Sales from our pages result in a small commission to us which helps us to continue our work supporting the grieving.  

Heart Shaped Sterling Silver Pendant for Cremation Ashes, Engraved Forever Loved

Memorial Jewelry to Honour a Loved One

Check out our lovely range of memorial jewelry for any lost loved one.  Pendants, necklaces, rings or bracelets, we have them all in all kinds of styles.  Choose for yourself or buy as a sympathy gift. 

Click here to see our selection

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Honour your loved one with their own memorial website.  Share photos, videos, memories and more with your family and friends in a permanent online website.  Free for basic plan with no ads. 

Find out more here.